Greetin's fellow humans! And Happy Birthday to my oldest brother!
Well,the details have started! I kinda approach sculpting like I do when I'm drawing something... you start rough and continually add and take out what's needed or not until the final shows itself.
I haven't mastered doin hair yet, so I knew that was going to be a challenge for me. I simply started rough laying in the main structures of his head and face and hair planes, like his eyes and mouth and ears..
I periodically checked Erick's sketch so everything was staying in line with everything else.
The eyebrows were a landmark on his face so I added rough ones. His upper lip took some designing to work in 3 dimensions. Remember- it all has to work from ANY angle!
As you can see, the main points on the hair are in so I can line things up with other landmarks, always keeping the size and scale matched to the drawing. Some points are missing because I simply will mess them up trying to redefine something else. One thing at a time.
Thanks! See you all in 2 weeks.
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